Peculuarities of an optical signal as a carrier of information. History of development of the contemporary theory of optical image formation. Studies of Rayleigh, Michelson and Abbe.
Pulse response and transfer function of a linear invariant optical system. Optical image as a linear combination of point sources and as a series of plane optical waves. Two-dimensional Fourier transform of optical image and its physical meaning. Angular spectrum of plane waves and its association with Fourier transform. Transfer function and pulsed response of free space. Fresnel's and Fraunhoffer's diffraction. Diffraction of light by amplitude and phase gratings.
Optical image in coherent and non-coherent light. Transfer function of thin lens. Formation of optical image in the lens. Lens as an element performing two-dimensional Fourier transform. Optical systems for image forming. Frequency response of optical system in conditions of coherent illumination. Optical transmission function. Comparison of optical images at coherent and non-coherent illumination.
Spatial filtration of optical images. Abbe's experiment and formation of image in coherent light. Phase-contrast method of phase object visualization. Acousto-optic method of phase object visualization. Application of spatial filtration for improvement of photographic images. Information processing systems in non-coherent light. Coherent optical processor and its application for information processing. Complex transfer function synthesis by Vander Lugt's method. Matched space filter and its application for image recognition. Optical image processing obtained by radiolocator with synthesized apperture antenna.
Application of space-time light modulator for optical information processing. Coherent and non-coherent acousto-optic spectrum analyzer with spatial integration. Multichannel spectrum analyzers. Acousto-optic correlators and convolvers with space integration. Acousto-optic processors with temporal integration. Spectrum analyzers with linear frequency modulation signal algorythm.
1. Parygin V.N., Balakshy V.I. Optical information processing. Мoscow, Moscow University Publ., 1987.
2. Goodman J.W. Introduction to Fourier optics. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1968.
3. Balakshy V.I., Parygin V.N., Chirkov L.E. Physical principles of acousto-optics. Moscow, Radio i sviaz, 1985.
4. Introduction to integrated optics. Ed. M.K.Barnoski. New York, Plenum Press, 1974.