Principles of operation of basic optoelectronic devices are expounded in the course. Physical and technical characteristics of the devices are presented, problems of their application in optical information processing systems are considered as well.
Subject of optoelectronics. Advantages of optoelectronic instruments. Their classification. Basic elements of optoelectronic circuit.
General characterization of radiation sources, their comparison, fields of application. Methods of semiconductor laser pumping. Injection lasers with homo- and heterojunctions. Effects of electronical and optical restriction. Light emission diodes (LED), their advantages and disadvantages.
Types of photodetectors, their characteristics (sensitivity, response time, detectability, spectral range). Detectors with extrinsic and intrinsic photoeffect: photoelements, photomultipliers, photoresistors, photodiodes. Noises of photodetectors. Methods of photoregistration. Direct photodetection and optical heterodyning. Heterodyning in photomultipliers.
Receivers of optical images of visible and IR spectral ranges. Vidicons, charge coupling devices (CCD).
Physical effects applied for optical radiation parameters controlling. Direct modulation of LED and injection lasers. Application of longitudinal and transverse electrooptical effect for light modulation. Basic characteristics of the modulators: modulation band, consumed power, dynamic range. Peculiarities of superhigh-frequency modulation. Electrooptical deflctors.
Acoustooptical effect. Raman-Nath and Bragg regimes of light diffraction by ultrasound. Peculiarities of acoustooptical interaction in anisotropic media. Light modulators with travelling and standing acoustic wave. Acoustooptical deflectors and filters.
Spatial modulation of light. Controlled transparency for optical information processing systems. Liquid-crystal displays. Space-temporal light modulators based on electrooptical effect. Forming amplitude-phase image in acoustooptical transparency.
Light propagation in planar and channel optical waveguides. Modes of the waveguides. Methods of radiation input and output. Passive and active devices of integrated optics: directional dividers, modulators, deflectors, switches.
Types of optical fibers. Modes of the fibers with stepwise and smooth change of refractive index. Forms of dispersion. Mechanism of losses in optical fibers. Principle scheme of optical communication line. Examples of practical realization.
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