Tribute to the memory of Prof. V.N.Parygin

Vladimir Nikolaevich Parygin 1932 - 2003

Curriculum vitae:

08. 01. 1932 Born in Moscow

1939 – 1950 Elementary and High School(graduated with Golden Medal)

1950 – 1955 Student of Moscow State University (graduated with Highest Distinction)

1955 – 1958 Post-graduate student of Moscow State University

1958 – 1960 Research Fellow of Moscow State University

1961 – 1965 Assistant Professor of Moscow State University

1965 – 1990 Associate Professor of Moscow State University

1990 – 2003 Professor of Moscow State University

13. 05. 2003 Died of heart attack

Teaching and scientific activities

1962 - Ph.D. degree in Radiophysics

1970 - Monograph "Methods of Modulation and Scanning of Light" (co-author E.R.Moustel)

1974 - Dr. Sci. degree in Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics(Thesis title "Control of Coherent Optical Beams")

1978 - Textbook "Basics of Theory of Oscillations"(co-authors – V.V.Migulin, V.I.Medvedev and E.R.Moustel)

1985 - Monograph "Physical Principles of Acousto-Optics"(co-authors – V.I.Balakshy and L.E.Chirkov)

1987 - Monograph "Optical Information Processing"(co-author – V.I.Balakshy)

1964 – 2003 Lecturer on “General Optics”, “Theory of Oscillations”, “Fundamentals of Opto-Electronics”, “Optical Communication”, “Optical Information Processing”, “Physical Principles of Electro-Optics and Acousto-Optics”

Field of activities in science: theory of oscillations, electro- and acousto-optics, optoelectronics and optical information processing

Published about 380 scientific papers in journals and proceedings of national and international conferences

Author and co-author of 4 books published in Russia and abroad (translations into English, French and Polish)

Owner of 19 National Russian Patents

Supervisor of 36 post-graduate students that have got the Ph.D. degree

Supervisor of more than 100 students that have got the M.Sci. degree

Membership in scientific societies, councils and committees:

- Member of the Scientific Counsils of the Division of Radiophysics at the Department of Physics in Moscow State University (since 1967)

- Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Counsils of the Division of Radiophysics at the Department of Physics in Moscow State University (since 1975)

- Member of the Scientific Counsil at the Physics Department of Moscow State University (since 1990)

- Member of the Scientific Committee on Electronics and Photonics of the International Radiophysical Society URSI (since 1990)

- Member of the European Optical Society (since 1997)

Division of Oscillation Physics in the year 1958 (V.N.Parygin stands the 2nd from the right)

V.N.Parygin and E.R.Moustel – founders of the Laboratory of Optoelectronics in 1962

E.R.Moustel and V.N.Parygin. "Methods of modulation and scanning of light". Moscow, Nauka, 1970

First monograph in the world totally devoted to the problem of electro-optic, acousto-optic and magneto-optic control of parameters of optical beams

V.A.Dianova, V.N.Parygin and E.R.Moustel – well-known experts on electro-optic modulation of light

V.V.Migulin, V.I.Medvedev, E.R.Moustel and V.N.Parygin. "Basics of theory of oscillations". Moscow, Nauka, 1978 and 1988

Textbook for students of the Physics Department of Moscow State University

English edition - 1983

French edition - 1985

Visit of Professor Adrian Korpel (USA) to the Laboratory of Optoelectronics (1990)

V.I.Balakshy, V.N.Parygin and L.E.Chirkov. "Physical principles of acousto-optics". Moscow, Radio i svyaz, 1985

V.N.Parygin and V.I.Balakshy. "Optical information processing". Moscow, Moscow Univ. Publ., 1987

Professor V.N.Parygin with his collaborator V.B.Voloshinov and student J.C.Mosquera (Colombia) (1989)

Visit of Professor P.Das (USA) to the Laboratory of Optoelectronics (1990)

Participants of 4th Spring School on Acousto-Optics in Poland (1989)

Participants of 5th Spring School on Acousto-Optics in Poland (1992): Professors I.Gabrielli (Italy), A.Sliwinski (Poland), A.Korpel (USA), V.Parygin and V.Voloshinov (Russia)

Discussion after a session of 6th Spring School on Acousto-Optics in Poland (1995)

During an excursion in Gdansk gulf (Poland, 1998)

A.Korpel. "Acousto-optics". Moscow, 1993

Russian version of the book by A.Korpel translated and edited by V.N.Parygin and published by V.V.Petrov

Visit of Dr. Rudy Briers (Belgium) to the Laboratory of Optoelectronics (1995)

Professors V.Balakshy, J.Sapriel (France), V.Parygin and V.Voloshinov in Moscow University (2002)

After a session of 1st Meeting of European Acousto-Optic Club (Paris, 1996)

Participants of 5th Meeting of European Acousto-Optic Club (Brugge, Belgium, 2000)

Professor Vladimir Nickolaevich Parygin 8.01.1932 – 13.05.2003